
Rules and terms and conditions of business are drawn up in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) and the Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-1), based on the recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia and international codes for online and electronic business.

Rules and terms and conditions of business govern the operation of the online store (hereinafter “the online store”), which is managed by BLUEDESIGN, TJAŠA REMŠAK S. P.< strong>,
Cesta na Lepo njiva 21
, 3330 Mozirje. Registration number: 5184492000, Tax number: SI 87609495 (hereinafter “merchant”), rights and obligations of the provider and website visitors store and users who make a purchase via the online store (hereinafter: “buyer”).

The rules and terms of business determine the operation of the online store, the rights and obligations of users and the online store, and regulate the business relationship between the merchant and the customer.

The customer is bound by the Rules and Terms of Business, which are valid at the time of purchase (submission of an online order). When placing an order, the buyer is each time specifically reminded of the Rules and Terms of Business and confirms his familiarity with them by placing the order.

Accessibility of information

The merchant undertakes that they will always be available to the customer:

  • data on the merchant’s identity (name and registered office of the company and the register number where the company is registered);
  • contact data that enable the buyer to communicate quickly and efficiently with the merchant (email address, telephone, etc.);
  • information about the essential characteristics of the products or services from the online store offer, including after-sales services and guarantees;
  • information about the availability of products or services from the offer of the online store (each item offered in the online store should be available within a reasonable time);
  • method and terms of product delivery or execution of services, especially the place and deadline of delivery;
  • prices, which must be clearly and unequivocally specified and must clearly show whether they already include taxes and transport costs and other charges;
  • information about the method of payment;
  • data on the time validity of the offer from the online store;
  • information about the period during which it is still possible to withdraw from the contract and the conditions for withdrawal,
  • information about the possibility of returning products and if and how much such a return costs the user;
  • information on the buyer’s complaint procedure and information about the dealer’s contact person for customer contacts.

Product offer

Due to the nature of online business, the range of products in the online store changes and is updated frequently and quickly, which is why errors can also occur. So that errors can be corrected as quickly as possible, the merchant asks that the buyer inform him about them via the form or phone number published on the website.


The sales contract between the trader and the buyer is concluded in the trader’s online store at the moment the trader sends the buyer the first electronic message about the status of his order (with the title: confirmation of order receipt. From that moment on, all prices and other conditions are fixed and apply for the trader as for the buyer. This e-mail did not confirm that the goods are in stock or that the shipment of the goods has started, but only a notification to the buyer that the trader has received the order and that the process of checking the availability of the goods has been completed. The buyer is considered a person with data as specified at the time of placing the order. Subsequent changes to the customer data are not possible.

The purchase contract (i.e. the first email about the status of the order) is stored electronically on the merchant’s server.

After checking the availability, the merchant sends the customer an order confirmation with a link in the e-mail with information about the deadline and execution of the delivery. The sales contract between the trader and the buyer is concluded at the moment when the trader sends an online confirmation of the order from the buyer. The trader prepares and ships the ordered products within the agreed period and informs the buyer about this by e-mail. In the e-mail, the merchant also informs the buyer about the product return policy and informs him of the contact persons in case of a complaint or delay in delivery.

After delivery of the ordered items, the merchant also sends an invoice to the buyer, namely in pdf format to the buyer’s e-mail address or a printed invoice is attached to the delivered items.

The invoice contains a breakdown of the price and all costs related to the purchase, as well as a notice of the right to withdraw from the contract.

The buyer is obliged to check the correctness of the data before submitting the order. We do not consider objections made later regarding the correctness of the issued invoices.


Contractual partners for the delivery of shipments are Pošta Sl

Bluedesign by West Blue


BLUEDESIGN, Tjaša Remšak s.p.
Cesta na Lepo njivo 21
3330 Mozirje


+386 3 839 49 50

Email address

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